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Excerpts from The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi, Astor Piazzolla and Max Richter


What is the earliest smell that you can remember? Is it the smell of your grandmother's homemade cookies, of your mother’s perfume, of the fruit trees in your kindergarden or is it of the soap you used every day before going to school?


We all have very personal relations to smells we all know, and hence, we will at the same time have a common experience and a very personal one whenever we smell them. With The Four Seasons - Resensed, Ensemble Hermes and Berlin based olfactory artist Klara Ravat will take you on a journey through time and space, through memories and dreams, and let the smells and the music immerse you in a world of beautiful spring flowers, the pulsing summer nights, the silent rain of the fall and the crackling fire in the fireplace in the ice cold winter.

Ensemble Hermes - De fire årstider (86 of 92).jpg
Ensemble Hermes - De fire årstider (59 of 92).jpg
Ensemble Hermes - De fire årstider (23 of 92).jpg
Ensemble Hermes - De fire årstider (17 of 92).jpg

Olfactory Artist and Experimental Filmmaker


© 2024 Klara Ravat. All rights reserved.

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